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Revolutionizing Rhythm: Michael Jackson’s Synthesized Audio-Visual Extravaganza

Project type

Music Video


March 2023



Our latest venture at RTMS was an exhilarating project: creating a music video tech demo for the legendary Michael Jackson. This endeavour was not just about crafting visuals but synchronizing them intricately with audio, using advanced motion capture technology to bring a new level of dynamism to the music video format.

The objective was to produce a video that could seamlessly integrate highly creative environments with innovative clothing designs, elevating the visual storytelling in music videos. This project was a playground for high-quality dance choreography, allowing us to push the boundaries of traditional cinematography and create something continuously scalable and visually stunning.

Our in-house software, Movie Colab, was vital in managing this project. This powerful platform enabled our team to experiment with new styles and techniques, incorporating them effectively into the music video production process. The result was a music video that stood out for its aesthetic appeal and approach to combining music and visuals.

The use of procedural animation and special effects throughout the music video added a unique vibe, distinguishing it from musical storytelling. Our pipeline for this project was a journey of exploration, particularly in utilizing Unreal Engine, which opened up new possibilities for creative expression.

This Michael Jackson music video project represents a significant milestone for RTMS, showcasing our ability to fuse technology and art in creating captivating music videos. It is a testament to our commitment to innovation in audio-visual production, setting a new benchmark in the industry.

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